Religious Education classes are held on Sunday from 10 am to 11 am from September through May.
Faith Alive Junior High is a program designed for 7th and 8th grade students. It puts religion into the context of the life experiences the students are encountering in their daily lives. Each semes-ter students are given a list of the courses being offered. The students, in turn, have flexibility in the classes they choose to complete the required number of points.
Religious Education took place remotely starting in March when the Corona Virus forced the
schools to close. What happens next?
We expect our renovated church basement to be ready for our religious Education program when it starts again in the Fall. Parents will soon receive a letter, explaining our plans in detail. Great care will be taken to observe social distancing and prevent the spread of germs. Of course, that means the program will look different from that of former years. Among other arrangements, there will be fewer children in the building during any given session.
Some things, however, never change. We have contacted the parents of those little ones who are starting out on the adventure of Kindergarten. They will register in the manner we’ve described in the letter. Children in last year’s program do NOT reregister.
If there are new families with children entering Grades 1 through 8 this season, they will need to be registered. If your child was not baptized here, proof of Baptism ( and of First Communion for children above second grade level ) is needed. Registration is by appointment with the pastor. You may call the rectory, mornings, 10 AM to Noon, and register by phone: 888-4522; or e-mail at: [email protected].
Children attend Religious Education classes yearly from Kindergarten through 8th Grades. Children must be in our program for two years before being eligible to receive First Penance and First Holy Communion. Grades K through 6 meet at 10 AM on Sundays. Grades 7 and 8 have an elective program, scheduled course by course.