The church has several ministries assisting the needs of the people social and spiritual life of the church. You can visit each organization's page to read more about them.
Altar Servers assist the priest and the whole worship community in the prayerful celebration of the Eucharist. Altar servers function as Cross Bearers and Acolytes, assisting the presider and other liturgical ministers with the sacred vessels, the presentation of the gifts, and the use of the Sacramentary Book. Open to boys and girls from the 5th grade up, altar service provides an opportunity for young people to be more active in their participation in Mass..
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during the celebration of the liturgy. Ministers who have received additional training also bring Holy Communion to the homebound. Eucharistic Ministers have a strong faith life and a deep desire to bring the Body of Christ to others. Members, who must be 18 years of age, are scheduled on a rotating basis.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God through the reading of Scripture at Mass. In this ministry we are able to publicly witness our faith, and to come to know the Word of God more deeply. This ministry is open to parishioners who have the gift of a good speaking voice and are at least 16 years of age. Lectors generally serve at a particular Mass on a rotating schedule.
Ushers assist at Sunday Mass by seating people, taking the collection and distributing bulletins following Mass. Ushers also assist at major parish celebrations such as Confirmations and First Communions and other special celebrations as they may happen.
Collection Counters sort and count the three weekend collections.